January 27, 2024

Ethics and Leadership Training for 24 Schools in Indonesia

INDOPOS.CO.ID – NICE Indonesia, a social enterprise institution focused on enhancing education and the third sector, continues its mission to strengthen communities and organizations in order to contribute to a better future for Indonesia.

One of NICE Indonesia’s educational programs is the Bright Boot Camp, a training initiative for students funded by the NAMA Foundation. This program, conducted in 24 schools across Indonesia, is also implemented in Kyrgyzstan and Tanzania.

Dasril Gunawan, CEO of NICE Indonesia, stated that the program’s objective is to assist teenage students in discovering their talents and interests, designing a career path, and embarking on a journey towards a purposeful life with positive impact.

“Starting from these points, the program is aimed at developing ethics, academic excellence, volunteerism, and leadership among students,” said Dasril Gunawan, a graduate of the University of Indonesia, in a statement to the media on Saturday (9/7/2022).

The program aims to help and mentor students in changing their mindset, acquiring knowledge, skills in creating and defining plans, as well as aspirations for their lives (Smart Life Plan).

In 2021, NICE Indonesia provided Bright Boot Camp training to 360 participants from 12 schools, including Integrated Islamic Junior High School (SMPIT) Latansa, SMPIT Cordova, Muhammadiyah Junior High School (SMP) , Sinar Cendikia Islamic School, Alam Indonesia Junior High School (SMP), Al Syukro Islamic Junior High School, Nurul Fikri Boarding School Bogor Islamic Junior High School, At Taufiq Islamic Junior High School, SMART Ekselensia Junior High School, Darul Quran Mulia Junior High School, Islamic Girls Boarding School (MTs) Darul Marhamah, and Kaifa Bogor Islamic Junior High School.

In 2022, NICE Indonesia once again provided Bright Boot Camp training to 360 participants from 12 schools, including As Salam Bogor Quran School, Al Kautsar Bogor School, Al Hikmah Depok School, Baitul Maal Tangerang School, Ummul Quro Depok School, Al Iman Bogor School, SALAMQU Bogor School, Smart Cibinong School, NF Depok School, 12 Depok Junior High School, Insan Mandiri Parung School, and Al Irsyad Bogor School.

Raka Ibrahim, a participant from Insan Mandiri Parung School, stated that after participating in the training, he became more aware of his talents and how to develop them.

“I will strive to develop my potential by studying more diligently and consistently applying the lessons taught by the trainers,” he said.

NICE Indonesia hopes that this program will extend beyond the initial 24 schools and be implemented in all schools across Indonesia. Therefore, NICE Indonesia invites all stakeholders concerned about education in Indonesia to join and support NICE Indonesia’s programs focused on enhancing the quality of education. (rmn)


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